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winter hunting in alaska

Wolf, lynx & Wolverine hunts

These hunts are conducted primarily by snowmobile in GMU’s 13 and 20. I run three different traplines encompassing over three hundred miles. These hunts take place from December – March.

If the hunter would like an opportunity to harvest a Lynx or Wolverine they will have to come join me in the dead of the Alaskan winter (December – February). I won’t promise warm weather but I will guarantee you some of the most scenic snowmobiling on earth and lots of it!

wolf, lynx, wolverine and more

Wolf hunting alaska style is always rewarding. We will do some calling for predators as well as setting traps and snares in locales that are likely spots to produce results. Typically we will snowmobile between 50-150 miles a day in search of Wolves, Wolverine, Lynx, Coyote and Fox. If you are looking to only do wolf hunting in Alaska then later in the winter is the prime time.

We will stay at several of my cabins for two and three day stints looking for predators to call and/or trap. These hunts have become increasingly popular over the years so much so that I can’t even break away to attend a show to promote my business.

If the hunter wants to harvest some of the most luxurious fur on the face of the earth then this hunt is for you.

Ready to Hunt in Alaska? Call Us Now