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wood river caribou herd

Alaska Caribou Hunts

Caribou are the barren ground variety and the herd is the Wood River Herd.

Getting your caribou

The Caribou are the only species in my hunt area that are not an over the counter tag but rather a drawing permit. Therefore the Caribou are an additional species added on to a Fall Sheep, Moose or Bear hunt on a trophy fee basis.

If a hunter wants to participate in the drawing they need to put in the December before the year of their hunt. Typically the hunter will contact me in December of the year before their hunt and I will “walk” them through the process of applying online for the permit.

The drawing application period is from November 1 – December 15 at 5 pm AKST. You can find the permit application at 

The probability of drawing is about 8-10% but if you do you can expect to take a nice Bull as this Herd consistently produces trophy animals.

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